Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Well, it seems I am writing in my blog the same as with previous paper journals...barely at all. It is funny though because I tend to write entries in my head, but never make it to the computer to put it all down. A great deal has happened in the past month or so. I am still unsure about my job situation, but I am still hopeful that we will find some money. In the meantime I am going to keep my eyes open for a new position.

We had about a foot of snow which is rare not only because I am in Richmond, but because it happened in December. Christmas has come and gone and I had a wonderful visit with both my hubby's family and my own, albeit a short visit. My wonderful husband also bought me an acoustic guitar, something I have wanted for a long time.

On a sad note and actually the reason for this entry, my uncle passed away. It was quite sudden and I feel just awful for my family. Even worse was the realization that I have not seen that side of the family since my father passed away nine years ago. I was shocked to realize that so much time has slipped away. We never seem to see each other unless someone get married or dies. I have recently reconnected with a few cousins via Facebook, but that is no substitute for real face-to-face interaction.

I could not go to the funeral because I needed to work and it was on December 23rd, so there was really no one to take my place. The occasion was even more sad because my uncle was to be buried on the anniversary of his father, my grandfather's, death in 1985. I decided that I needed to go pay my respects though and give my aunt a hug. So I went to the visitation the night before. I expected it to be a bit awkward as I had not seen anyone since my dad's funeral. Instead I was true to my Mad Giggler ways. I went right in and hugged and talked and laughed with my family. I always find it so odd, the custom of sitting in a room with the deceased and yet being able to laugh. The best moment was seeing my other uncle and having him hug me and call me "monkey." It is a nickname he gave me when I was small and I had not thought of in years. It made me feel warm and I relaxed all over. These people are my kin and no matter what we will always have that special bond that time cannot diminish. In the midst of our grief we were able to reconnect, reminisce, and laugh. I know my aunt and my cousins were and are hurting, and I hope that no one interpreted our family reunion as disrespectful. I did get my wish of hugging my aunt and telling her how sorry I was and that I loved her. Sadly I know what this loss feels like for my cousins, but that does not make it any easier to see them have to go through it.

If anything good could come of this loss it is that I once again have been reminded how important family is. We have resolved to have a reunion this summer and I will do all I can to make sure it happens. I also like to imagine that my uncle was greeted by my dad and my grandparents and that they are now content and happy and will one day greet the rest of us. In the meantime, i hope they will gather above to watch those of us here come together to remember and to make new memories.