Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Since I never post as often I as I mean to or when there is news I decided to break the trend today. About an hour and half ago we had an earthquake here in Virginia. It was a 5.9 and is the biggest quake since 1897 here in VA. The epicenter was in Mineral, VA.  It was felt as far south as NC and as far north as Canada. In the grand scheme of things it is not that large of a quake, but it so rarely happens on the east coast. It is also crazy that it was felt over such a wide area.

I am at work in the library and thought at first something had burst in the basement. It was clear after a few seconds that it was more than that. I stayed in the doorway until it was over. It lasted about 30 seconds. A check of the archives and special collections revealed that everything stayed on the shelves. We only found a single journal that had fallen off a shelf. That is really good news. Now I just hope everything is ok at home and that the dog is not seriously traumatized!