Friday, December 31, 2010

Auld Lang Syne

It has been a bit of a rough year, but it could have been worse. In the end I am thankful for my family and friends who have held me through the worst of it. My hubby has been amazing and more than I could ever ask for. I finally found a job in November working as an archivist. It is only for a year, but I feel very fortunate to have the chance to work for the institution that I am and that I found employment at all. I also started back to school (again), but I am really excited. I am working toward my Information Science degree (read Library Science). I think it will be most useful for me.

I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and people who care about me. I could not ask for more. Thank you Lord for the blessings in my life. Another year has passed and I am still alive and thriving. I could not ask for more...well maybe world peace and an end to hunger and disease, but I suppose I should not be greedy ;-)

A new year is always an exciting proposition. Anything can happen, but it all begins with me. I hope this is the year that I can make a difference. No it is not all about me, but I hope that I can help someone else even in the smallest way. Then I will know that I have not lived in vain...even if all I do is make someone giggle and forget their troubles for an instant. It will have been worth it all. Happy new year!

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