Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life gets in the way...

Well so much for those goals I set for myself in January. They are unraveling, but I am not completely surprised. The biggest one is my goal of finishing school by August. I hate doing it, but I must accept that I will most likely not be able to complete my thesis and defend it by August. So I will graduate in December. Still I hope to be finished with everything well before then. The process is much more complicated that it was for my last thesis and there are too many points where I could get held up by other people. I am disappointed though.

As for my other goals, I have yet to write my grandmother, but I did send her flowers yesterday for her birthday. That is almost as good, but I will still write her. I have yet to lose any significant amount of weight, start running, or even post to my blog as often as I said I would. On that last point however I have been posting to blogs, just not this one. I have another blog I have to post on for a class and I also did a blog post for the Virginia Historical Society. In an odd way I am sort of doing better than anticipated for that goal.

It is good to have goals and I will still do my best to accomplish these. I just need to remember that sometimes life gets in the way I may have to make a few detours before I arrive at my destination. Overall things are good and for that I am glad.

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