Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This is why I should not make resolutions...

Here it is November and I have done very little of what I set out to do this year. As usual, life gets in the way. I am happy to say that I will be finishing school soon. I ended up not writing a thesis and took comps instead. It ended up being a better decision because I really need to finish up. If I wrote a thesis it would have likely dragged out until next spring because of the difficulty of finding an advisor and committee. I took comps last week and will hopefully hear soon that I passed.

I have yet to lose any significant amount of weight, but I did purchase a Fitbit to help me gain greater awareness of how much I am moving. I am quite the slug and this helps me to get more active. Hopefully once school it over I can concentrate more on getting back in shape.

Even though I have note done the things I set out to do I am still happy with how my year is progressing. Plans are good, but you need to be flexible too. That is what I am doing. My life is pretty good. 

1 comment:

  1. I do not feel like I got much done in 2013 either. I am glad 2014 is here.
