Friday, August 14, 2009

Kill Grandma?

Ok, I understand that people are very conflicted about health care reform, but surely one thing we can agree on is that something must be done. Another thing we should all agree on is that this "Obama wants to kill grandma" argument is just ridiculous! Paying for a councilor for end-of-life issues, and pulling the plug are two entirely different things. Everyone in the country should have a plan for what their wishes are should they find themselves with a terminal disease, or in an accident that leaves them in a coma, etc. All the plan says is that a person is eligible to have counseling from someone about how to arrange a living will, medical power of attorney, etc., and have medicare pay for that service. It is completely voluntary for goodness sake.

I for one am very pleased with the strides in medical science that allow us to live longer, more productive lives. BUT, there comes a point when I want quality vs. quantity of life. I want to be able to say, no do not resuscitate in certain situations, no I do not want anymore treatment for my cancer because I am going to die no matter what, etc. We should discuss these things when we are not in the midst of a crisis and it would be great to have a neutral, 3rd party involved if it is an emotional situation and you want to see what all your options are.

No one is going to pull the plug on grandma or pawpaw just because they are ill and the government wants to save money. It does not and will not work that way. If someone wants to fight to the bitter end, great! If someone decides to stop treatment, that is their decision and no one else's.

I think most Republicans are sensible people and do not believe this nonsense being spouted by the Rush Limbaugh's and Glenn Becks of the world, but that noisy minority it getting to be most irritating. Instead of yelling people down, and making absurd remarks, how about reasoned, rational, calm discussion of the pros and cons and let us hammer out a compromise that we can all live with. Health care should not be a privilege, it should be mandatory for all of us.

End rant

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